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Jesse van Dijk

Jesse van Dijk (born in The Netherlands, 1977) is considered one of the finest digital landscape artists in the world. He currently works as a concept artist and art director at Bungie Studios in Seattle, and has worked for other high-profile game studios, such as Guerrilla Games. Van Dijk also doubles as freelancer for major Hollywood movie studios and publishers, in addition to working on his own private projects.

His contribution to great video games like Guerrilla's Killzone series and Bungie’s Destiny titles is twofold. On the one hand, Van Dijk, as art director responsible for 'world building' at Bungie, shows great skill in juggling the often contradicting demands of game world design. Gameplay mechanics, user interface design, and art are often at odds with each other, and Van Dijk must ensure that, in the end, the game world 'works' for the player.

Perhaps more important for the look and feel of a game is the concept work Van Dijk brings to the table. His large tableaus imagine anything from planets to large structures, bringing to life the 'mythic sci-fi' of the Destiny games. Here, Van Dijk's bold compositions and strong imagery are stepping stones for other artists in the team to shape the world they’re collectively building.

Jesse van Dijk Personal Work


Jesse van Dijk Commissions


Killzone Fine Art Print Collection

The essence of combat: kill or be killed!

Destiny Fine Art Print Collection

See what you can pull out of Rasputin. There's a joke in there somewhere

How real wars shaped Killzone's red-eyed "Space Nazi's"

An excerpt from the Killzone Visual Design art book

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Destiny Fine Art Print Collection

Original concept art prints from Bungie's scifi masterpiece

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The Art of Destiny 2

A Video Game You Want to Spend Time In

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