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Hendrik Visser

Hendrik Visser is a visual development artist and illustrator from the Netherlands, working in both digital and traditional media. Trained as a fine art artist, his economic needs led him to work on designing theme park rides for years—work he sees as "the best possible primer" for designing video game art. Later, he worked on indie video game titles for several Dutch indie companies.

Best known in the video game space is his work for Unexplored II: The Wayfarer's Legacy (2022), by Dutch indie studio Ludomotion, for which Visser designed the visual identity.
The RPG roguelike adventure game uses a beautiful, simple and appealing art style that makes the most out of flat colors and shadows, plus a clear line. The style was designed to give the player a sense the levels were hand-designed, and created a unique and colorful game world, one that just oozes with charm, melancholy, and wonder.